Welcome To 23 Nutrition Therapy
Gayatri has studied the latest research in genomics, functional medicine, LEAP therapy, and health coaching. She is registered in the state of California and holds a BS and MS in Dietetics with 1200 hours of supervised practice through Eastern Michigan University. Gayatri loves working with clients who are ready to really understand the way their body works and are ready to lead a healthier life.
Significantly reduce your symptoms within two weeks
You deserve more than the constant fatigue and brain fog you’re currently pushing through each day. You’re tired of stressing over what to eat because you’re not sure if your body can handle the food you’ve carefully selected. Get the guidance and knowledge you’ve been searching for when it comes to your health. With the step-by-step 3 Body Systems approach, you’ll have a clear understanding of your stress reactions, GI functioning, and how to properly detox and restore your health. You’ll gain personalized nutrition recommendations, a comprehensive labwork review, and a supplement schedule plus support with one-on-one sessions with Gayatri Saldivar, MS, RDN, CLT, IFNCP to help you stay focused and on track to better health.
Don’t Guess… Test!
A proven system to assess and resolve your stressors, clear brain fog, eliminate fatigue, and heal the gut.
You’ve been told that you’ll just have to figure out how to live with the symptoms. That constant fatigue, brain fog, bloating, or diarrhea are your “normal”. But you refuse to give up and accept that this is the way your life is. And, you’re right. You can live without chronic stress weighing you down, without fear of what symptoms your next meal might bring, and without feeling uncertain about how to truly heal your body and create the life you want to wake up to.
What clients are saying:
I’ve been working with Gayatri now for a couple of years. She’s super passionate about what she does, a really good listener, and cares a lot about helping her clients to become their happiest and healthiest selves. When working with Gayatri, she considers all aspects of your life, not just diet alone, when figuring out how best to help you. She’s been amazing at helping me through brain fog and fatigue and I’ve feeling much, much better as a result. Really happy having her as a partner to support my health.
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