
Functional Nutrition Approach to IBS

There are many approaches to managing and treating IBS and IBS symptoms. The variety of options and the depth of these options may be overwhelming to try and figure out on your own. Let’s dive in!

The Low-FODMAP diet for IBS: What You Need to Know

One common treatment option for IBS is following a low-FODMAP diet. FODMAPs stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, which are types of short-chain sugars (carbohydrates) that are highly osmotic meaning that they draw water into the gut and while they sit and wait, they ferment quickly which can result in poor absorption by the small intestine, excess gas, and watery stool and can cause digestive stress after eating which can result in IBS symptoms being flared.

Switching to a low FODMAP diet is a three step process: elimination, reintroduction, and integration. First, we will eliminate high FODMAP foods from your diet. Then, we will slowly, one by one, reintegrate them into your diet to see which ones specifically cause flare ups of IBS symptoms. Then, once you figure out which ones you can tolerate, you can integrate them back into your diet. Typically, a set of goals will be made along with markers as to how they will be measured. Goals can include things like reducing bloating after meals, decreasing diarrhea/constipation, and/or reducing general abdominal pain.

Along with help from a dietitian, there are many resources to assist with FODMAP identification as well. Some examples of foods high in FODMAPs include wheat, barley, rye, onions & garlic, dates, beans, lentils, hummus, cashews, honey, high fructose corn syrup, milk & yogurt, sugar alcohols (such as those in many sugar-free products), peaches, figs, watermelon, and more.

While eating a whole-food, plant-based diet may help with IBS, it can become tricky to avoid FODMAPs with an already restricted diet. Eating whole foods and certain plant-based products such as tofu and other fiber-rich foods that are gut healthy can improve IBS symptoms however, there is not much concrete research to show that a plant-based or vegan diet will necessarily help with IBS as many plant-based foods are high in FODMAPs and/or are triggering to IBS symptoms due to being ultra highly processed and containing preservatives and additives.

If you are someone who has IBS and wants to eat a plant-based diet, it is highly advisable to work with a dietitian to create a diet plan that meets your desires while also avoiding trigger foods.

Integrative Therapeutics Physicians Elemental Diet

The Physicians’ Elemental Diet is a great option for those suffering from a flare up of IBS and IBS symptoms. The Physicians’ Elemental Diet comes in both a regular and dextrose free version and are powdered formulas of medical foods. They are intended for those with diminished gastrointestinal function and are formulated in a way to be easily digested.

The dextrose free formula is the only one we recommend as the risk for fungal overgrowth is increased with dextrose. The dextrose free formula contains higher proportions of protein, lower fat, and lower carb than the standard version.This is a great choice for a 5 day reset to get out of an IBS flare however you must refer to your dietitian to get appropriate amounts of the formula to meet your nutritional needs as this diet is intended to be done under supervision.

Eating out with IBS

It may seem daunting to eat out with IBS, especially given the importance of knowing both what to eat and how to eat so as not to further trigger IBS symptoms. Knowledge and having a plan is key. Working with a dietitian to create a well rounded nutrition plan that supports gut healing is the first step in understanding what foods your body will support and what will trigger IBS symptoms for you.

Once you have this baseline, it will be a lot easier to go out and be able to look at a menu and know what foods your body can and cannot tolerate. With this in mind, it is also important to note the importance of choosing where to eat out and where not to. Going to fast food restaurants with over processed foods that will all trigger IBS symptoms would not be as good a choice as a healthier option would be.

Supplements for IBS Treatment

There are many different supplements that may help treat IBS and IBS-related symptoms. A majority of these will be recommended based on test results from the aforementioned tests such as adrenal support supplements for example.

Other supplements that have been shown to help are herbal antimicrobials for SIBO and other infections, stool binders, biofilm disruptors, gut lining support supplements, pre and probiotics, fiber, digestive enzymes, short chain fatty acids, immunoglobulins, detox support supplements, and nutrient replenishing supplements.

While this might seem overwhelming at first, working with a functional medicine dietitian to narrow down exactly what you need and why is crucial in finding the right treatment plan for you.

Lifestyle Approaches for IBS

Along with nutritional approaches to address the root cause of IBS symptoms, there are a variety of lifestyle approaches that may help in combination with nutritional approaches. As we know, mental health is closely tied into gut health and IBS through the gut-brain axis.

Practicing mindfulness and mindful breathing techniques have both shown to improve mental health and subsequently help improve IBS symptoms. The Nerva app is another alternative option specifically designed to tackle the mental health component of IBS. The Dynamic Neural Retraining System or DNRS, is another mental health approach for IBS symptom management. DNRS helps change the brain’s response to chronic pain/stress stimuli such as IBS symptoms subsequently improving the body’s pain response.

Other ways of incorporating mindfulness into day to day life is through mindful eating and meal spacing. Making sure to chew food slowly is critical in mindful eating practices. Meal spacing however, allows for the migrating motor complex to go into a state known as rest and digest. The state of “rest and digest” allows the parasympathetic nervous system to function and help the body regulate digestion in a calm state vs in a fight or flight state, the sympathetic nervous system takes charge and that can result in a flare up of IBS symptoms. By spacing out meals, you allow your body to reduce its cortisol levels and induce a state of “rest and digest”.

Another important thing that plays a huge factor in not just our overall health but specifically our gut health is sleep! Getting good amounts of quality sleep is crucial in reducing IBS symptom flare ups. Poor sleep, especially chronic poor sleep habits, can result in an increase in cortisol levels, our bodies natural stress hormone, and can activate the HPA axis which is our bodies natural mediator of stress response. Lack of sleep can cause the gut microbiome to shift resulting in difficulty digesting food and thus a flare up of IBS symptoms. Making sure to get enough good quality sleep each night is crucial in keeping IBS symptoms at bay and reducing intestinal flare ups.

Physical lifestyle approaches have also shown promise in improving IBS symptoms. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OTM) also known as visceral manipulation, involves physical hands-on manipulation to increase lymphatic flow and restore homeostasis. Another physical approach is vagus nerve toning. A few practices that boost vagal nerve tone include breathing techniques, exercise, mindfulness, meditation, cold exposure, electrical stimulation, and other relaxation techniques.

Another physical approach used in IBS symptom management is through transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation also known as TENS. A TENS device delivers electrical stimulation that can inhibit pain signals/pathways for specific sites on the body through electrical pulses. Specifically, transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation, tVNS, which utilizes a TENS device on the left ear, stimulates the vagus nerve system to reduce systemic inflammation. vTNS has been studied for both mental health and gut health, which as we know can go hand in hand, and have shown very promising results without the use of supplementation.

Finding Your System

As we can see, there are a lot of potential approaches to managing IBS symptoms. Each individual will have a different combination of treatments and/or approaches that will work for them. While the abundance of options may seem overwhelming, working with a functional medicine dietitian is key in figuring out the best plan to find the root cause of your symptoms! Are you ready to make a change? Schedule a free nutrition strategy call and get started today.



The Root Cause Approach for IBS

What is IBS?

IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a fairly common disorder that affects the gut, including the stomach and the intestines. It is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms that affect the gastrointestinal tract which otherwise might not have an obvious etiology or cause. It is essential to note the difference between IBS and IBD, inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic autoimmune disease that includes intestinal swelling. There are many potential root causes for IBS and many factors that play into these root causes.

Let’s first talk about the symptoms of IBS and take a deeper look into the root causes and treatments.

Symptoms of IBS – Understanding IBS Signs and Symptoms

IBS symptoms are easily overlooked. The main symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain and/or discomfort along with recurrent or consistent diarrhea, constipation, or overall change in bowel habits. Another common symptom is bloating after eating or feeling like you cannot fully empty yourself. Other symptoms that often go along with IBS include acid reflux, genitourinary symptoms, headaches, backaches, brain fog, and anxiety. GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease is also common for those with IBS symptoms, including acid reflux flare-up episodes.

Types of IBS – Understanding Different Kinds of IBS and Diagnostic Criteria

IBS is generally categorized into 2 to 3 subcategories: IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M. While they all share some similar symptoms, IBS-C most common symptom is constipation, IBS-D most common symptom is diarrhea, and IBS-M most common symptom is a mix of diarrhea and constipation.

One diagnostic method for IBS is the Rome criteria. The Rome criteria was initially released in 1994 but has been updated periodically as science has evolved. The Rome IV criteria from 2016 include recurrent abdominal pain for at least 1 day/week on average in the last 3 months as well symptoms related to defecation, change in frequency of stool, and change in form/appearance of stool. If this sounds like you, keep reading to find out more about IBS and see how we can work together to find the root cause and alleviate your symptoms!

While the research is still new, IBS has been associated with leaky gut syndrome, which is defined by an increase in intestinal permeability concurrent with gut-associated membranes/tissues. Your small intestinal lining is considered semi-permeable meaning that under normal circumstances, it should allow for nutrients from food to be absorbed into the bloodstream while containing/blocking the absorption of undigested foods, toxins, bacteria, and pathogens from being absorbed. If this lining is compromised, these larger particles, bacteria, toxins, etc… are absorbed into the bloodstream causing an immune response and systemic inflammatory reactions throughout the body.

Another potential cause of IBS is post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS). Gut infections like gastroenteritis AKA food poisoning or Giardia can cause PI-IBS. PI-IBS should not be ignored as it can cause damage to the vagus nerve and affect intestinal motility. These combined can also lead to SIBO. The symptoms of PI-IBS are similar to that of IBS-D we discussed. PI-IBS can actually be tested by testing antibodies called anti-CdtB and anti-vinculin. These antibodies are produced if the body believes it needs to fight against them or if there is bacterial overgrowth. Testing can also tell us if IBS is related to a small intestine bacterial overgrowth, SIBO.

Root Causes for IBS

As we’ve already seen, IBS is a sort of blanket diagnosis because there are so many potential things happening at once with similar symptoms. There are many potential root causes for IBS. Let’s dive in!

Can H. pylori Lead To IBS?

H. pylori, also known as helicobacter pylori, is a bacterium generally found in the stomach. While normally asymptomatic, H. pylori can cause inflammation of the stomach causing gastrointestinal symptoms. While it is estimated that over 50% of the world has H. pylori, new research shows that H. pylori may promote the development of IBS and as such should be tested and treated accordingly. As we have already discussed with H. pylori, infections of the gut can cause IBS symptoms to flare up. Other infections include opportunistic bacterial infections such as yeast infections and parasitic infections that can lead to a dysbiosis of the gut and can ultimately result in a flare-up of IBS symptoms.

Enzymes: Pancreatic, Stomach Acid, Bile Acid

The pancreas is both an endocrine organ (meaning it produces hormones) and an exocrine organ. The exocrine functions of the pancreas include producing and releasing digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes play a key role in breaking down the food we eat for the body to absorb. Issues with the pancreas that result in a lower production of these enzymes can be categorized as a type of IBS and maldigestion.

Low enzyme symptoms aside from general IBS symptoms can also include food in the stool and sticky stool. While these symptoms may seem like “your normal”, do not be fooled, these are not normal and the root cause must be discovered to create long-lasting relief.

These are also important as they can be root causes of SIBO too. Increased fecal fat levels, also called steatorrhea and a result of low enzyme levels and maldigestion/malabsorption, can increase the risk of SIBO as well and should be noted as a contradiction for certain diets like KETO which are high in fat. Working with a functional medicine dietitian to find the right balanced diet is key.

As we talked about before, GERD (acid reflux) is a common symptom of IBS all relating back to stomach and bile acid. Bile acid has recently been researched more specifically in relation to IBS-D as bile acid can mitigate bowel function and is closely connected with the gut microbiota. This is another reason why proper testing is so crucial in our diagnostic process. One of the things that the GI-Effects stool test specifically looks at, unlike the standard GI Map, is fecal fats in the stool which tells us about the need for bile acids. Despite the GI-Effects being the less commonly run test, it actually dives deeper in helping us find the root cause of your digestive issues.

Digestive Enzymes vs. Probiotics

Let’s talk about the difference between digestive enzymes and probiotics. Digestive enzymes are secreted by different exocrine glands like the salivary glands, the gastric glands, and by types of cells in the pancreas and small intestine. Digestive enzymes are what break down the larger macromolecules of our foods like fatty acids, carbohydrates, and proteins, for example, into smaller molecules that our body can then absorb and use accordingly.

Probiotics, on the other hand, are live microorganisms that help to improve/restore your natural gut microbiota. In the same realm, prebiotics are essentially what feed the probiotic microorganisms in your gut to maintain a healthy gut microbiota.

Both pre- and probiotics can be acquired through your diet and while digestive enzymes are typically produced by our bodies, sometimes we need more support through proper supplementation.

Working with a functional medicine dietitian to get proper testing and curate a proper regimen is key to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome if you suffer from digestive issues.

Low Secretory IgA Levels and IBS

There are many inflammatory markers in the body. SIgA, secretory immunoglobulin A, is the most abundant and primary antibody response in mucosal linings such as the gut lining. It is crucial in preventing bacterial overgrowth and infection. Low levels of SIgA are associated with dysbiosis and infection as well as present an increased risk of IBS among other gut issues. Over 70% of our immune function comes from the gut and the gut microbiota. This is an important reason why getting adequate and appropriate testing done is crucial.

Since low levels of SIgA are associated with IBS, those affected are at higher risk for infections such as H. Pylori, candida/yeast overgrowth, parasites, and other bacterial infections.

Symptoms of H. Pylori infection are similar to that of IBS which is why it can often go undetected for a long time, yet another reason why testing is crucial.

Triggers – Identifying the Common Triggers of IBS

There are many triggers to IBS. Common triggers include trigger foods like refined grains, gluten, processed foods, undigested proteins, caffeine and carbonated drinks, dairy, toxins, FODMAPS (types of sugars), stress & anxiety, drugs, and even menstruation.

It is important to note that triggers are not necessarily root causes. Your gut issues may be progressing towards healing and symbiosis but then a trigger causes a flare in symptoms. This is why identifying triggers and avoiding them is important in the healing process.

While a lot of these triggers vary from person to person, it is important to narrow it down through testing, trial and error, and elimination to find your triggers and trigger foods and ultimately eliminate them. Working with a functional medicine dietitian to go over potential trigger foods and work through an elimination diet to eliminate them is key in managing IBS symptoms and preventing a flare-up.

Certain environmental risk factors such as toxins like glyphosate can also impact and trigger IBS symptoms. Glyphosate is an herbicide used to kill weeds that may be present in foods containing wheat and ultra-processed vegan products like Beyond Burgers.

Other modifiable risk factors for IBS include sleep (and making sure you’re getting adequate amounts of it), maintaining proper hydration, and limiting stress.

Can Smoking Cause IBS Symptoms?

While smoking has many negative effects on overall health, it can also be a contributing factor to IBS. Smoking throws off the bacteria in the gut and can alter the gut microbiome which can trigger IBS. Smoking also can cause an increase in heartburn and acid reflux IBS symptoms as well. Nicotine from smoking acts as a vasoconstrictor meaning it tightens blood vessels which can create a stress response in the body and as mentioned previously, can result in increased IBS symptoms.

Other factors that can flare up or cause IBS symptoms include eating too quickly/not mindfully, not chewing your food properly, certain medications like antibiotics as well as regular use of over-the-counter NSAIDs like Advil, Tylenol, etc. which alter the gut microbiome, and toxins like environmental toxins, heavy metals, glyphosates, and plastics such as those that we may be cooking with.

Mental health plays a role in triggering IBS symptoms as well. Your neurological system and your gut are intertwined, this is known as the Gut-Brain Axis. As changes in mental health occur, the brain releases different chemicals throughout the body depending on the mental changes. When we feel anxious, the brain releases stress hormones/chemicals to the gut which can result in abdominal pain, changes in gut bacteria, and other IBS symptoms. Another important thing to mention is that certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin actually have higher quantities in the gut than in the brain. Gut dysbiosis can affect serotonin regulation and result in surges and hypervisceral sensitivity.

Hormonal changes like those listed above are not the only kinds that can trigger IBS symptoms. For women, changes in hormones or fluctuations in hormones that occur within the monthly menstruation cycle can also be triggers for IBS symptoms. To simplify it, there are receptor cells for female hormones (the same hormones that fluctuate depending on where in the cycle you are) in the GI tract. As estrogen and progesterone change throughout the cycle, it can impact GI function and thus cause a trigger in IBS symptoms.

Most commonly, women may see that their IBS symptoms are worse during menstruation. These same hormones are also what help control the muscular contractions of the intestines which control how quickly food is able to travel through the GI tract. Understanding your cycle and knowing where you are in your cycle is crucial to knowing how and what to eat to decrease these triggered symptoms.

Hidden Risk Factors for IBS

Genetics and family history also play a huge role. While IBS is not always a result of genetics and while some of the genes associated with IBS are polygenic, meaning there is more than one genetic variant associated with IBS, those with a family/genetic history of IBS have up to a 57% likelihood of also having IBS symptoms in their life. The polygenic genetic variants associated with IBS are also unique in that environmental triggers can cause them to activate and flare up IBS symptoms.

Test, Don’t Guess…IBS Functional Medicine

Uncover the Root Cause of Your IBS with Professional Support!

What is the root cause of IBS? While listening to your body can tell you so much, functional lab testing is the best way to identify gaps in health and understand where we may need more support. The following functional nutrition tests are crucial in evaluating all parts of the human body that can be affected by or can affect IBS.

GI Effects: The GI effects comprehensive stool test helps us look at your digestive health and how it is affecting your gut microbiome, inflammatory markers, immune markers, and infections, all of which translate to tell us about your gut health status. Specifically, we are looking for signs of gut dysbiosis through things like candida, parasites, enzyme deficiencies, and more.

The GI effects comprehensive profile gives us a baseline of so many things that can be indicative of root causes, triggers, and more. The Genova comprehensive digestive stool analysis is one of the first things we will look at to begin to understand and tackle the root causes of gut problems.


SIBO Test: The small intestine bacterial overgrowth or SIBO test is not a primary test we run. SIBO is generally not a root cause but rather a secondary issue thus targeting it may clear the SIBO but it will come back as the root cause is still unknown. SIBO can also affect/cause underlying motility issues. Instead, we look to clear the imbalances identified from the stool test first and find the root cause to prevent SIBO recurrence. Once all other avenues have been exhausted, we will run a SIBO test to monitor progress.

The Adrenocortex Stress Profile: The adrenal test looks at specific hormones produced by the adrenal system such as cortisol and DHEA which are altered by stress and can be inflammatory markers. Imbalanced adrenal hormones can affect the gut and gut barrier which can result in increased digestive symptoms. Overall this test helps identify the best treatment for adrenal burnout recovery.

ION: The Individualized Optimal Nutrition test (blood and urine) measures organic acids, fatty acids, and amino acids as well as heavy metals and micronutrients. Organic Acids are intermediates or by-products that are produced by the body during a detox, energy synthesis, and more. This test helps us look deeper at oxidative damage, blockage of detoxification pathways, and markers for bacterial overgrowth.

The ION profile presents an amino acid profile containing your levels of essential and non-essential amino acids and their assessment of the levels, homocysteine levels which are an important marker for methylation and cardiovascular disease. It also includes a panel specifically to assess toxic and heavy metals in the body.

The coenzyme Q10 panel included in this test measures the levels of vitamins specifically involved in antioxidant function and oxidation markers which help us understand the level of oxidative damage to membranes in the body. The fatty acid profile assesses omega 3 and omega 6 status which is crucial for inflammation. The ION test also looks at minerals such as RBC magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, and calcium.

3×4 Genetics: This test results in a full genetic blueprint. Once we get this blueprint, we are able to look for different mutations and markers that when combined with your medical and family history, lifestyle, and other test results help us understand where certain issues may be arising from and how to mediate them. Another important thing that we are able to see from the 3×4 Genetics test is metabolic pathways, not just single mutations/markers. We are also able to compare biomarkers with previous labs.

Celiac Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity Test: This Profile is a blood test that looks at immunologic biomarkers to diagnose Celiac Disease. It is important to note however, that IgG/IgA is only positive in about half of patients with gluten sensitivity thus, clinical correlations such as autoimmune history, IBD, diabetes, etc.. are also necessary in this diagnostic process.

It is also important to note that celiac disease is a genetic disease thus there is a genetic correlation. You cannot test positive for celiac disease without at least one of the six genetic markers; however, you may still test positive for the non-celiac markers.

Discover Functional Medicine Solutions for IBS…Book a Discovery Call!

Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex disorder with many complex treatment strategies. Because of this, many times we may feel overwhelmed or stuck in trying to alleviate symptoms on our own. Getting professional support and working with an expert dietitian may be the next step in your IBS health and gut healing journey. Are you ready to find the root cause of your IBS and change your life? Schedule a free nutrition strategy call and get started today.


Lymphatic System: Your Ultimate Boosting and Cleansing Guide

When we think about the human body, we often look at it as being made of multiple separate parts, we see the gut as one part, the immune system as a separate part, etc… In reality, however, while the human body is made up of many systems, they all function together and affect one another. 

Your lymphatic system is just one of them, however, it is one of the most important ones.  Let’s get to know your lymphatic system and how it affects your body. Your lymphatic system is an organ system that plays into your immune system. It is an open system, made up of a network of lymphatic nodes, vessels, tissues, and lymphatic organs that recover fluid, inspect it, and activate immune responses. Though you have many lymphatic ducts and vessels throughout your body, the primary lymphatic organs include the tonsils, the thymus, the spleen, and lymph nodes. 

If you are somebody who may be struggling with detox issues, digestive issues, fat absorption, and more, keep reading to learn more about your lymphatic system and how to heal it. 

Let’s keep talking about what makes up our lymphatic systems and why it’s all so important.


Let’s Talk Lymph – What is the Lymphatic System?

Lymphatic System

So, what is lymph? Your body has about 20 liters of plasma, the main fluid component in blood,  circulating through it. About 17 liters are returned to the circulatory system while the rest is collected by the lymphatic system and becomes lymph or lymphatic fluid. Lymph also contains fluids from your intestines, including fats and proteins. 

Your lymphatic system also produces lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, along with other immune cells, and releases it into lymph to be redistributed into your blood. These immune cells in the lymph monitor and destroy foreign bodies like bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that the immune system identifies. 

Lymph is also responsible for the transportation and removal of waste products and abnormal cells. Specific parts of the lymphatic system like lymph nodes are used for the filtration of lymph before it is returned to the blood. The lymphatic system uses this lymph to maintain appropriate fluid levels throughout the body.


So bottom line, lymph is a collection of extra fluid from the body that contains fats, minerals, and nutrients, damaged cells, abnormal cells, foreign invaders, and immune cells like lymphocytes. Now that we understand lymph, let’s understand how it all works together.

The Role of the Lymphatic System

Your body is a complete unit, with all systems working together and being interconnected. The lymphatic system is no different. It is part of your immune system and works with the circulatory system. Capillary filtration removes plasma from blood but it leaves about 3Liters behind in the interstitial fluid. Your lymphatic system provides a method of return for this fluid back to the heart to re-circulate. 

Once in the lymphatic system, this fluid is known as lymph which contains many different filtration by-products and most importantly, lymphocytes also known as white blood cells, an incredibly important aspect of our immune systems. Lymphatic organs, made up of lymphatic tissues, are classified as either lymphocyte production sites or lymphocyte activation sites. Some of these include lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, tonsils, bone marrow, and more.  

Lymphatic tissues are also associated with the mucosal membranes that line many parts of our body. This association is known as MALT or mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. The lymphatic system also has a major circulatory component in carrying nutrients from circulating fluid into the cells of the body. 


So now that we understand the functions of the lymphatic system, let’s dive deeper into the lymphatic tissues of the body. Mucosa-Associated lymphoid tissue or MALT is a subsystem of the lymphatic system that includes concentrations of lymphoid tissues found in submucosal membranes in the body. One component of MALT is GALT or gut-associated lymphoid tissue. 

GALT is mainly found throughout the intestines and is made up of villi, little finger-like projections, to increase surface area for absorption in the gut.  Knowing that the lymphatic system is a huge part of our immune systems we can understand that GALT (and its associated tissues such as Peyer’s Patch in the small intestine) acts as an intersection between the immune system and antigens such as food antigens or pathogens from the microbiota of the gut. 

The lymphatic system of the gut specifically plays a key role in the transportation of lipids or fats from the intestines to the bloodstream. In the last 2 decades, much research has been done to better understand the physiology of the lymphatic system and understand the metabolic implications of GALT, and its potential as a center for obesity management. 

Researchers have also focused on the genetic aspect of GALT and obesity management to single out different genetic components that may affect the lymphatic system, specifically how ones body may be transporting and absorbing lipids and its implications on weight/obesity management as well as dietary changes that can be made to counteract it. Studies have shown how important GALT and gut lymphatics are in lipid metabolisms including new research on how treating impacted GALT has the potential to help reverse diet-induced obesity. 


Why Lymphatic System Cleansing Is Important?

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why all of these things matter and how we can take care of our lymphatic systems even if we don’t think we’re “sick”. We can all agree that we are constantly exposed to environmental toxins like the water we drink, the air we breathe, and everything else around us. So let’s talk about getting the lymph flowing and restoring our lymphatic systems for optimal health all around. 

Cleansing your lymphatic system is very beneficial to restoring optimal conditions and improving subsequent digestive health. It’s no secret that about 70% of your immune system lives in your gut, taking care of your immune system and gut goes hand in hand. There are many ways to cleanse your lymphatic system, most of which are great when done in conjunction with one another. 

One of the better-known ways to cleanse the lymphatic system is through MLD or manual lymphatic drainage which helps motivate the natural drainage of the lymph, carrying away waste from tissues and bringing it back to the heart to circulate out. MLD consists of massaging specific areas of the body, usually in circular movements, to spark the lymph to flow. MLD helps drain the individual lymph nodes as well.  Research has shown MLD to help with fat deposits, improve circulation of the gut, and support detox. 

You Can also Maximize Your Lymphatic System’s Functionality by Eating the Right Foods, Exercising, and Dry Skin Brushing.

Another method of cleansing and detoxing the lymphatic system is using herbs. Calendula, echinacea, and dandelion are a few of the more commonly used herbs that help encourage lymphatic drainage which in turn also helps boost the immune system as the two are heavily interconnected. Drinking adequate amounts of water, roughly half your body weight in oz per day is also crucial in keeping your lymphatic system flowing. 

Another method of cleansing the lymphatic system is dry brushing, an Ayurvedic approach. Dry brushing not only stimulates the lymphatic system, but also exfoliates the skin, helps the body get rid of toxins, improves leg circulation and energy, and helps to break down some of the fat deposits also known as cellulite. The lymphatic system helps the body fight infection thus if you are sick or exposed to toxins, your lymphatic system may become clogged. Dry brushing is said to help release these toxins through sweat as the course bristles stimulate the pores to open up. 


The lymphatic system does not have the heart to pump it, it relies on muscular contraction, pressure from gravity, and massage to help it flow. Exercise is crucial to helping your lymphatic system flow, and prevent the backup and buildup of fluid and toxins. While any exercise is helpful, some suggest underwater exercise as that extra pressure from the water helps increase lymphatic flow as well. 

Rebounding is another method of stimulating and cleansing your lymphatic system through exercise.  Some research has shown that bouncing on a mini trampoline helped to stimulate the lymphatic system. Rebounding on a mini trampoline uses all three of the methods as the rapid changes in gravity cause lymphatic channels to expand and increase lymphatic circulation. Another method of rebounding is using vibrating plates to stimulate circulation and dislodge clogs in your lymphatic system. 

There is emerging research on intermittent fasting in regard to lymphatic function. Some research has even shown intermittent fasting to “reboot” the immune system as well. Intermittent fasting helps your body break down some of its fat and get rid of it through the lymphatic system. However, if your lymphatic system is clogged or backed up, intermittent fasting can cause other issues.  So if you are someone who wants to try intermittent fasting, it is highly recommended to do so in conjunction with one of the lymphatic cleansing methods above.

 However, intermittent fasting is not for everyone. If you are someone struggling with adrenal dysfunction, blood sugar imbalances, underweight, pregnant/breastfeeding, hold off on fasting, and as always, talk to your providers before implementing this regimen. 

What Foods Contribute to or Support a Healthy Lymphatic System?

Fueling your lymphatic system is just as important as cleansing it. There are many foods and herbs that are incredibly beneficial to the lymphatic system. So I know you may be thinking, what are the best foods and best herbs for the lymphatic system? VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor, is a protein in our bodies that promote the growth of new blood vessels which can cause the formation of leaky lymphatic vessels which can lead to swelling and inflammation among other things. Eating nutritional genomic foods that promote the inhibition of VEGF can play a large role in inflammation reduction and healing of lymphatic diseases.

These include things like: green tea, soybeans, tomatoes, watermelon, salmon, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, onions, parsley, beets, thyme, lettuce, chicory, arugula, cacao, cinnamon, cranberries, apples, grapes, currents, persimmons, turmeric, fermented foods, and nuts. These foods contain things like Catechins, Genistein, Lycopene, Omega 3 fatty acids, Glucosinolates, Isothiocyanates, Flavonoids, Polyphenolic flavonoids, Proanthocyanidins, Anthocyanidins, Vitamin K2, and Beta-cryptoxanthin. Additionally, maintaining a low-salt diet is crucial for those struggling with lymphatic diseases. 

Now, let’s talk about MCT oil too. MCT oil is formally known as medium-chain triglycerides but let’s stick with MCT. MCT oil is a great way to get in fat without clogging your lymphatic system. Because of its chemical structure, the body is able to absorb it directly into the bloodstream without going through the lymphatic system.

Conversely, there are foods that are known to cause inflammation in the body as well and should be avoided when healing the lymphatic system. These include things like pasteurized dairy, gluten, shellfish, and non-fermented and/or processed soy as well as low-quality animal products, refined seed oils, and processed foods. 

Who and What is Affected by the Lymphatic System?

Healing and cleansing your lymphatic system is especially important if you are someone who struggles with lymphatic diseases/disorders. Two of the most common conditions affected by the lymphatic system are lymphedema and lipedema. 

Let’s break down lymphedema into two parts, edema, meaning swelling, and lymph. Lymphedema is a condition in which excess lymphatic fluid or tissue accumulates and can be unilateral or bilateral, meaning can affect one side or both sides. Primary lymphedema is usually diagnosed at birth or puberty and is usually due to genetics whereas secondary lymphedema can be caused by damage to the lymphatic system from things like cancers, injury, trauma, etc… 

An important thing to note is that obesity, a fairly common diagnosis, is quite often misdiagnosed and is in fact lipedema. Because lipedema is highly underdiagnosed and requires a knowledgeable practitioner or specialist such as a vascular surgeon to confirm, physicians will often miss it and instead diagnose obesity and weight loss including conventional weight loss methods which often will not work with lymphatic disorders. This is yet another reason why getting appropriate testing is SO important. 

Lipedema, also known as “painful fat syndrome”, is generally below the waist and above the ankles though rarely upper extremities can be involved and unlike lymphedema, it is bilateral. Lipedema is quite common in the United States and underdiagnosed as it is a relatively new diagnosis. Lipedema causes a buildup of fat that bruises easily and can be quite painful. It is a progressive disease that affects women much more than men and is most commonly identified during weight loss when the body will aggressively hold onto the lipedema fat areas. Lipedema can also contribute to secondary lymphedema, both together are known as lipo lymphedema. 

Currently, decongestive lymphatic therapy using manual lymphatic drainage is the primary therapy for both lipedema and lymphedema though compression is also recommended for both as well. Some research has also shown that a leaky gut may be contributory to these conditions as the gut and lymphatic systems are heavily interconnected.

As we now understand, the lymphatic system plays a key role in detoxing our bodies. We have already talked about how the lymphatic system plays a role in detoxing our bodies from toxins and infections. But, the lymphatic system also helps the body detox and get rid of heavy metals, internal infections, and so much more. This is yet another important reason to test for lymphatic function and cleanse the lymphatic system. 

Don’t Guess, Test!

Being self-aware and knowing your body is crucial in knowing if a system is out of sorts. But functional lab testing is a great method of knowing exactly where a system may be failing or needs extra help.  Specifically, the following tests are incredibly important in evaluating all parts of the body that can be affected or can affect the lymphatic system. 

The Genova Adrenocortex Stress Profile (AKA Adrenal Test)

Performing an Adrenocortex Stress Profile looks at specific hormones produced through the adrenal system such as cortisol and DHEA, which can be affected by long-term chronic stress. Imbalanced adrenal hormones can affect the gut barrier, think back to when we talked about MALT and GALT, which consequently affect our detox system such as that of the lymphatic system. Going back to MALT and GALT, remember, these act as a gut mucosal barrier in our bodies which if compromised, will affect gut permeability and subsequently make us more susceptible to infection. If our adrenal system is out of order, our body goes into a catabolic state meaning a state of breakdown, a state of fight or flight. 

The biggest takeaway here (and why this is so important), a compromised lymphatic system can affect our gut barriers which will lead to the degradation of the gut mucosa and gut permeability which ultimately will compromise the immune system. So, if you’re asking yourself why you care about your gut, in this case, it is because it directly affects our immune systems.  

The Genova GI Effects Test

The GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Profile helps assess digestive health and how it is affecting the gut microbiome, inflammation, immunity, and infection, all of which translate and can tell us about the lymphatic system. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are endotoxins that go into our blood and overwhelm the liver. They require the lymphatic system to detox as well. 

The Genova ION Test

The  Individualized Optimal Nutrition test (blood and urine) presents an amino acid profile containing your levels of essential and non-essential amino acids and their assessment of the levels, homocysteine levels which is an important marker for cardiovascular disease (something that highly affects the body and lymphatic system), a panel specifically to asses toxic and heavy metals in the body, a coenzyme Q10 panel to measure the levels of vitamins specifically involved in antioxidant function, oxidation markers which help us understand the level of oxidative damage to membranes in the body, and a fatty acid profile which is crucial as fatty acids impact inflammation. 

The ION test also includes organic acids. Organic Acids are intermediates or by-products that are produced by the body during a detox, energy synthesis, and more. This test helps us look deeper at oxidative damage, blockage of detoxification pathways, and markers for bacterial overgrowth. This test also helps us look at fatty acid metabolism from which results can be indicative of certain lymphatic disorders. 

3×4 Genetics

 This nutritional genetics test results in a full genetic blueprint. Once we get this blueprint, we are able to look at pathways or whole subsets of gene variants. The 3×4 genetics test is best interpreted when paired with current biomarkers from the ION test along with your medical history and lifestyle. Nutritional genetics helps us understand where certain deficiencies and imbalances may be arising from, while the biomarkers in the ION test can illuminate how to mediate them. 

Ready to Get Results

Now you may be asking yourself if you might be someone struggling with your lymphatic system and if it is time to get started in cleansing your lymphatic system. So who needs lymphatic cleansing the most? Those with detox issues, those with digestive issues, those with issues absorbing fats, and so many more! So, what are you waiting for? If you’re wondering about your lymphatic health, click here to schedule your free consultation call!


The Gluten-Free Switch

You may have heard of the gluten-free diet, but did you know that going gluten-free is way more than just a diet? Some may even consider it a lifestyle! Living a gluten-free lifestyle may be the next step toward a healthy gut, better energy, and a clear mind … even if you think it isn’t for you.


Neuro Nutrition: Nutrition Essentials Neuro Clarity

Do you ever feel sluggish, like your mood is all over the place, or generally notice you’re out of whack? A lot of our everyday functioning traces back to how well our brain is working. Neuronutrition is the concept of nourishing ourselves with the nutrients that are going to support our brain health. 

That blob of gray matter between your ears, the brain, is actually the control center for your neurotransmitters. It controls the production of hormones, neurotransmitter communication, metabolism, and many other functions. What helps run these processes? Well, the foods we eat! Food can have a direct impact on the function of our brain. 

It is important that we eat foods that provide us with the proper precursors (inactive substances converted to active ones such as an enzyme, vitamin, or hormone) for the neurotransmitters we require. Proper brain functioning helps us to regulate our three-body systems, as well as functions such as mood, sleep, and metabolism. But what does all this mean and how do you eat for your brain health? Let’s find out.

What Are Neurotransmitters? 

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of neurotransmitters before, even if you have never actually seen this word! Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals created in our body that carry signals across brain cells or neurons. A few commonly discussed neurotransmitters include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Achieving and maintaining the optimal balance of these brain chemicals is essential for our mental health and mood. Food is one of the most direct ways that we can help balance our levels of neurotransmitters; in turn, helping us to regulate our mood, stress, anxiety, and even sleep. 

Key Neurotransmitters and Their Function

Before diving into the important topic of neuro-nutrition, let’s set the stage with some important neurotransmitters you have probably heard of, and their main functions.

  • Serotonin – Aids in regulating sleep/wake cycles and anxiety, mood behavior, appetite, and bowel contractions.
  • Dopamine – Linked to focus, motivation, and pleasure. 
  • GABA – Helps regulate anxiety, stress levels, sleep/wake cycles, and calmness.
  • Norepinephrine – Aids in attentiveness and focus. 

Maintaining and restoring the balance between these neurotransmitters is oftentimes more important than focusing on stimulating a single pathway to produce or inhibit one neurotransmitter because these pathways are so interconnected. Here are a few examples of what different levels of these neurotransmitters can mean for our health: Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression, anxiety and sleep issues. Excess dopamine can cause cells to experience cell death, or apoptosis, too early. Norepinephrine is commonly referred to as the “fight-or-flight” hormone (often called adrenaline), because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and makes us alert to potential danger. As you can see, it is crucial to keep our neurotransmitters in balance for various facets of our health. 

Dopamine and Norephinephrine neuro nutritionFoods For Neurotransmitters 

The neurotransmitters we need are made from the same building blocks as the rest of our cells. Think proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. We get these building blocks from our food! Therefore, certain nutrient-rich foods give us an advantage when it comes to building neurotransmitters. This is especially true because our gut actually has an important link to our neurotransmitters and brain health. 

Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is the precursor, aka starting block, to proteins in our body and many of the neurotransmitters we’ve been discussing. We are unable to produce enough phenylalanine on our own, which makes it an essential amino acid that must be obtained through our diet. An essential amino acid means that it is necessary for the production of all the proteins in our body. You’ve heard of the importance of protein intake, and that is because proteins carry out such a wide range of functions in our body. There are antibodies (such as white blood cells), hormones, enzymes, structural proteins (such as collagen), transport/storage proteins (such as ferritin), receptors (such as Vitamin D receptors) and so many more.

Even if we eat “the perfect diet,” our body functions still need to be in tip-top shape for us to reap the benefits of our diet. For example, you need to be able to digest, break down, and absorb nutrients, and then have the micronutrients aka precursors to support cellular pathways.  Phenylalanine is a great example, our bodies convert phenylalanine into tyrosine which is then converted into dopamine through a series of intricate steps (hence why we need our bodies working optimally). Remember we need dopamine, it plays a role in our mood and allows us to find pleasure, focus, and joy. We also require phenylalanine to create norepinephrine, to support our nervous system’s response to stress. 

As you may have noticed, phenylalanine is crucial for maintaining our levels of neurotransmitters in check, which helps regulate so many of our body’s functions. Protein-rich foods such as lean meats, dairy, and legumes all contain phenylalanine. Let’s continue to explore why these foods are so important to include in our diet.  

Neuro Nutrition: Food Sources of Tryptophan

If you’ve ever felt sleepy after a holiday meal, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of tryptophan, another essential amino acid. Tryptophan is found in protein-rich foods such as turkey and chicken. Other good sources of tryptophan include legumes such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils, as well as nuts and seeds. Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, remember serotonin is directly tied to our sleep/wake cycles and the production of melatonin.

A high-quality protein-rich diet will supplement us with enough tryptophan to create adequate amounts of serotonin. However, a tryptophan deficiency will not only cause serotonin dysregulation but will also impact all protein functions in the body. This concept is not unique to tryptophan alone, but to all essential amino acids and nutrients, because as we’ve seen before, all of these nutrient pathways are interconnected and affect multiple body functions. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, or sleep dysregulation, it might be beneficial to take an Organic Acids Test, which we will talk more about later. 


The Serotonin PathwayNow that we’ve established the importance of adequate protein intake for balancing our neurotransmitter levels, let’s take a look at the other nutrients and vitamins that are crucial for our brain health. 

B vitamins are crucial precursors for building dopamine, melatonin, and other important neurotransmitters. 

There are 7 different B vitamins that are important for our brain health, including vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folate), and B12 (methylcobalamin). In addition, getting adequate B vitamin intake from our food is essential for our neurological health. A deficiency of B vitamins can lead to cognitive depletion, such as sluggish thinking, impaired memory, and mood dysregulation. 

Foods that are high in B vitamins include meat, organ meats, legumes, nutritional yeast, eggs, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, dairy, fruit, nuts, and seeds. The key to getting all seven B vitamins is to include a wide variety of these foods in your diet. It is important to note that vegetarians and vegans may have an especially hard time getting enough B vitamins. It’s even more important to watch those levels if you follow a plant-monogamous diet. 

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that our bodies cannot produce, so we must get all of our Omega-3 from food. Omega-3 fatty acids are important because they help reduce and prevent inflammation in the brain and body, support cell membranes, improve immune functioning and cardiovascular health, and support our skin health. Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, and sardines are high-quality essential sources of Omega-3. Marine algae supplements, flax seeds, and chia seeds are also adequate sources of Omega-3. To take a closer look at your omega-3 profile, an ION test might be necessary.

Organix and ION: Tests for neuro nutritionNeurotransmitter Testing: Organic Acids or ION

Organic acids are metabolites or byproducts of cellular processes going on in our bodies.  Examples of these cellular processes include energy production (think ATP and the mitochondria powerhouse of the cells), detoxification, and neurotransmitter breakdown. An Organic Acid test can give us a clue about the efficiency of these processes that are happening inside our body.

In order to get more information about your neurotransmitter levels, an Organic Acids Test can be done. This simple test involves an at-home urine collection upon waking. From there, the urine sample is sent to the lab and tested for metabolite analysis

The Organic Acid Test (OAT) measures 46 different markers of health, including a range of different metabolites of neurotransmitters excreted by our body. The levels of these metabolites are incredibly important as they can indicate levels of certain neurotransmitters, nutrient deficiency, liver detoxification capabilities, and even bacterial overgrowth. 

For more comprehensive results, an Individual Optimal Nutrition (ION) test can be done, this involves a urine sample as well as a blood draw. The ION test is similar to the OAT, but it has 125 markers. To learn more, read about ION nutritional testing here

The results of the Organic Acids Test can provide valuable clues about health issues that may be plaguing you, such as weight issues, sleep abnormalities, and mood dysregulation. An organic acids test provides personalized results that give insight on how to better adjust your diet and supplement regimen in order to support your overall health based on your individual needs. Keep in mind that although intake may be adequate, there could be other factors at play below the surface. These can show up in the Organic Acids Test, which can be used to discover the cause of such issues.

Interested in ordering an Organic Acid Test or Individual Optimal Nutrition Test? Schedule a free consultation call!

Understanding Your Urine Test For Neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitter Balance

Key Neurotransmitters and their metabolites

The Organic Acid Test or ION test will provide you with a comprehensive list of your neurotransmitter metabolite, or breakdown, levels. But it’s quite an extensive list, and it can be confusing, so what do those levels mean? Let’s find out.

Indicators of Brain Stress 

Those experiencing brain stress might be experiencing depression, anxiety, and food cravings and may greatly benefit from stress management techniques, as well as calming herbs and supplements. Some common lab values can include: 

  • Low HVA (Homovanillate)Low levels of HVA can be indicative of inadequate amounts of the precursor phenylalanine or tyrosine. This can be due to inadequate protein intake or a lack of necessary vitamins required for dopamine production. Causes may include chronic stress (adrenal exhaustion), long-term antidepressant usage, inherited amino acid deficiency, many years on a vegetarian or vegan diet, or poor absorption/missing cofactors (necessary vitamins). Symptoms can include fatigue, physical exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, impulsive behaviors, loss of satisfaction, addictions, cravings, and thrill-seeking. Can be linked to Parkinsons’ and ADHD.
  • High HVA (Homovanillate) – High HVA levels suggest that turnover rates of dopamine are too high, which can be caused by excess stress, elevated cortisol, and other stimulants such as caffeine, ephedra, pseudoephedrine, and cocaine.
  • Low VMA (Vanilmandelate) – VMA is a metabolite of epinephrine and norepinephrine and when it is low, it may indicate that norepinephrine or epinephrine are not being produced at adequate levels. This can be associated with adrenal exhaustion, as well as poor protein consumption or absorption. Symptoms may include fatigue, anxiety, inability to deal with stress, sleep disturbances, and depression. 
  • High VMA (Vanilmandelate) – High VMA levels reflect higher than normal turnover and may indicate adrenal stress due to the overproduction of epinephrine or norepinephrine from the adrenals. This can be caused by both internal and external stressors and may feel like the nervous system is overactive. Other symptoms include headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, GI disturbances, and high blood pressure. 
  • Low 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate – 5-HIAA is a metabolite of serotonin and is considered to be a happy neurotransmitter. Low 5-HIAA can indicate inadequate production of serotonin. This can be caused by adrenal stress, long-term tyrosine usage, antidepressant usage, poor amino acid intake or absorption, vegan or vegetarian diets, poor absorption or missing cofactors, or inherited deficiency. Symptoms can include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, digestive imbalances, constipation, and chronic pain. 
  • High 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate – High 5-HIAA may indicate a higher than normal turnover of serotonin with potential depletion of tryptophan. This can be caused by SSRI use and excess stress.

Indicators of Brain inflammation 

Those experiencing brain inflammation may be experiencing nutrient deficiencies, GI inflammation, stress, and toxin-induced damage to brain cells. This can even be genetic in some cases.  Let’s look at some lab-based indicators too:

  • High Kynurenate – By itself, causes brain inflammation but is indicative of a B6 deficiency in the presence of high xanthurenate. Other causes of elevated kynurenate can include an inflammatory disease state and hidden stress from pathogens in the gut. 
  • High Quinolinate – This may make you feel flu-like. Could indicate an autoimmune disorder, IBS, parasite, or infection. This can be caused by excess inflammation and oxidative stress. Quinolinic acid can be neurotoxic in large quantities. 
  • High Picolinate – This can be caused by excessive protein intake and chronic inflammation.

Additionally, the organic acids test can also measure bacterial and yeast growth with 9 different markers. Bacterial and fungal overgrowth can often be found alongside many health issues. In the case of neuro-nutrition, certain types of bacterial overgrowth can prevent precursors like tyrosine and tryptophan from converting into adequate amounts of neurotransmitters. 

Markers include: 

  • D-Arabinitol – Fungal/Yeast marker 
  • D-Lactate – Bacterial marker
  • 3-4-Dihydroxyphenylpropionate – Clostridium Bacteria Marker

Make sure to fill out a detailed intake form which will be cross-compared to your nutritional test results to give you the best results. To learn more about bacterial overgrowth and how it affects our brain health, order a comprehensive stool analysis.

The Gut-Brain: Gut Hormone Connection   

Good gut hygiene is crucial to remedy neurotransmitter imbalances. After all, if we can’t digest our food properly, none of our body systems will work at their full potential. Interestingly, around half of our dopamine is also produced in the GI tract. Somewhere around 90% of our serotonin is also found in the GI tract and there is evidence that serotonin in the gut aids in peristalsis (muscle contractions that help us digest food). So there might be more to the connection between our gut and our brain than we previously thought. Because of this, it only makes sense that if we want to keep our neural health high, we must look after our gut as well. 

Some tips for keeping the gut healthy include adequate water and fiber intake to help food move. Including probiotic foods in your diet such as kimchi and yogurt can be beneficial. Limiting caffeine is also helpful in maintaining gut health. Read here to learn more about keeping your gut healthy and happy. 

Some other tips for improving our neuro-nutrition include being mindful of our eating patterns, such as meal timing and blood sugar balance, making sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours, and chewing our food well so it is easier to digest.  As you can see, tending to your gut health is an extremely important step to taking care of your neurological health. After all, the food we eat contains the building blocks for our brain cells! If you need a little push in the right direction in terms of neuro-nutrition, schedule a free consultation call with me.


How to Fix a Leaky Gut

Do you suffer from gut problems, fatigue, mood issues, hormone imbalances, skin conditions, or autoimmune disorders? Conventional medicine often dismisses Leaky gut even though it’s a common ailment affected by lifestyle, diet, medications, and environmental factors.

I’m sure you’re wondering, what exactly is leaky gut? Could you have it? If so, how do you fix a leaky gut? If you’ve been experiencing chronic health issues that you can’t seem to get a grip on, keep reading for a deep dive on leaky gut, common symptoms, functional lab tests you can run, and how to heal. 

By the end of this blog, you will understand the impact that intestinal permeability can have on your body, what you can do about it, and the steps you can start taking today to fix a leaky gut.

What is Leaky Gut?

The digestive tract is a complex system made up of your mouth, esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, small intestine, and large intestine. These organs work together to break down food into smaller molecules that the body is able to absorb and convert into energy for growth, and repair by all of your cells. But not everything we consume will be or should be absorbed. 

Did you know the gastrointestinal tract is actually outside of your body? This is because the lumen, the lining of the intestine that absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream, is open to the external environment on both ends. A layer of cells separates the inside of the body from the external environment in order to protect us from harmful substances. Between each cell is a space called a “tight junction”, which makes sure nothing unwanted enters the bloodstream by keeping cells close together to form a cohesive barrier. Tiny openings in the lining of the GI tract act as a selective barrier, letting through water and essential nutrients while keeping toxins and bacteria out. These toxins are then expelled from the body through our regular bathroom visits throughout the day. Check out this resource for more information on Intestinal Permeability from The Institute of Functional Medicine.

Picture of blue intestines with "Help!" written above itIncreased intestinal permeability becomes an issue when this barrier is compromised and unable to identify or properly separate unwanted substances from the essential nutrients the body needs. When you have a leaky gut, a partially digested protein, allergen, or pathogen can enter the bloodstream. The body will then elicit a natural response better known as inflammation, which in turn causes a further breakdown of the GI tract and a list of symptoms to follow. 

Leaky Gut and Inflammation

Diagram of the villi in a normal and unhealthy gut.Leaky gut happens when inflammation breaks down the gut lining tissue to make sugar for the blood stream, essentially shredding the gut lining. Now, rather than acting as a selective barrier, the lining becomes more like a sieve. During this process the villi in the intestine become damaged and are now unable to properly absorb fat soluble nutrients. Essential fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K are the main fat-soluble nutrients. They all  play integral roles in a multitude of processes in the body. As villi are being destroyed, crypts within the gut lining deepen, hiding parasites and making them difficult to find and treat.  

Spaces between tight junctions are enlarged, allowing all types of bacteria, waste particles, and undigested food proteins to “leak” through the barrier and gain access to blood vessels and the lymphatic system. The body is unable to absorb essential nutrients because of damaged villi and is now absorbing harmful things because of leaky gut. 

To try and fight these harmful substances, the immune system continues to mount a response creating more inflammation in these areas because the body senses there is something in the bloodstream that does not belong. As you could probably guess, this only damages the gut further. 

Pesticides and heavy metals can damage healthy bacteria in the body. This disrupts the delicate balance of the environment in your gut, making room for unhealthy organisms to grow, which further contributes to leaky gut and allows toxins into the bloodstream. 

Once a foreign substance enters the bloodstream, it circulates throughout the body setting off an alarm for your immune system, often leading to more inflammation, food allergies/sensitivities, and even autoimmune diseases. While inflammation’s purpose is to keep the body healthy, over time, chronic inflammation can lead to a string of unwanted side effects and may increase your risk of developing a variety of diseases. 

Is Leaky Gut a Real Thing? 

Leaky gut is often trivialized in chronic health conditions, but healing the gut is one of the main pillars of functional nutrition. There is a lot of ongoing research surrounding the function of the gut barrier and the effects of these perforations in the gut lining. While there is still a lot to be learned about intestinal permeability, researchers are beginning to see the link between gut health and disease prevention. Let’s take a closer look at what current studies support. 

It is possible that some people are born with genes that increase the likelihood of leaky gut. Others may develop weakened gut linings through medication or gut infections. Unbalanced diets that are low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fats may also contribute to weakening the gut lining.

Leaky gut may even be due to your body’s inflammatory response to excess stress.  Age may also  play a factor; as we age, our cells are more easily damaged and take a longer time to heal. Often, a combination of these factors contribute to the break-down of our gut barrier. 

While some leaky gut is normal, in today’s world, most people have increased rates of intestinal permeability. As stated by Dr. Aimee Quinn, the combination of the factors listed above shifts the question from “do I have leaky gut?” to “how bad is my leaky gut?” Knowing how distressed your gut is can help you determine the level of system imbalances you suffer from. 

Through nutritional therapeutic interventions, we are able to support the gastrointestinal tract and keep those tight junctions tight. Preventative care is the key to creating a healthy gut and a robust immune system to support you through life.

What Are the Symptoms of Leaky Gut?

Many health professionals fail to recognize and diagnose intestinal permeability for a few reasons. One, the symptoms are similar to other digestive conditions such as food allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Celiac disease. Many of these labels are just a list of symptoms that may actually be directly related to leaky gut and the microbiome. However, some symptoms aren’t “directly” connected to the gut, instead, may manifest as mental, hormonal, or skin issues. The gastrointestinal tract is often not looked at through a functional scope, making these symptoms easier to miss. That being said, here are some indicators that you may have a leaky gut. Are any of them familiar? 

Symptoms may include:

  • Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Abdominal cramping and bloating
  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Confusion
  • Skin conditions (e.g., acne, rashes, eczema)
  • Mood disorders (e.g. anxiety and depression) 
  • Food intolerances
  • Nutrient deficiencies

Research surrounding the relationship between leaky gut and other conditions are currently unclear if other gut conditions are the cause of leaky gut or a symptom of it. 

Conditions that may be associated with Leaky Gut:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Diabetes
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Liver disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and celiac disease
  • Hypothyroid/Hashimotos

Gluten and Leaky Gut

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, and is made up of the peptides gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is the part of gluten that some people have a reaction to.  

This protein gives bread its airy texture, doughy feel, and is a stabilizing agent in many processed foods. Most people can digest gluten with ease however, others have gluten intolerance, meaning they are sensitive, and some develop a hereditary autoimmune response called Celiac Disease. 

In people who are sensitive to gluten (both celiac and non-celiac), the immune system registers gluten as a foreign invader to the body. The body reacts to gluten’s presence through it’s autoimmune response, which leads to inflammation. This reaction to gluten breakdown can lead to symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, and pain. 

Zonulin is a protein that regulates tight junctions in the small intestine. When zonulin is released, the tight junctions open slightly to allow larger particles to pass through the intestinal wall. How does this all relate to leaky gut? 

Gluten can cause the gut cells to release zonulin which leaves tight junctions in an open position. Chronic activation of zonulin cells can lead to leaky gut as harmful substances are let into the bloodstream. These harmful substances can trigger an immune system response.

Leaky Gut Syndrome Test

A leaky gut can impact your whole system and is often accompanied by food sensitivities and autoimmune diseases. Functional lab testing provides comprehensive data that can help identify the root cause of your gut symptoms and other health conditions. 

GI stool tests give us an inside look at your gut health and allow us to gauge what level of leaky gut you may be suffering from. Stool tests can help to pinpoint the exact levels of different microbes (healthy commensal bacteria balance, pathogenic yeasts, and parasites) in your gut. This shares vital information about what your body needs. If you have leaky gut, this test can help determine the level of bacterial overgrowth and dysbiosis in your system. 

In addition to pathogens, there is also another marker we are looking for: Secretory IgA. Secretory IgA is a specialized protein called an immunoglobulin which can tell us more information about your immune system. Sometimes our body isn’t making enough stomach acid to effectively break down the proteins that we eat. The undigested proteins can then cause an immune response to occur within the body. This immune response can cause an increase in secretory IgA. 

Using this test we can create a plan to help heal several aspects of the gut. Fixing the problem from all sides can help improve the overall functioning of your gut.

Fixing Leaky Gut Syndrome

When determining how to fix a leaky gut, we need to assess your gut microbiome. This helps figure out your overall gut health.

Consider this: your gut is like a garden. Bacterial overgrowth is like weeds, which can take over and make it difficult for your garden to flourish. After clearing out the weeds, it is important to nourish the gut’s good bacteria (the flowers) in order to repair it. 

It is important to heal the gut before attempting to detoxify the gut through diet. Detoxing before “clearing out the weeds” may not help resolve the problem!

Foods to Help

Foods that help the health of the intestinal track like apples, bell peppers, avocado, broccoli, and whole grains. If you suspect you may have leaky gut, consider a stool test to identify any pathogen invasions. After a pathogen killing program, you can begin the healing process by adding more gut-friendly foods to your diet. 

Adding more foods that are rich in prebiotics and probiotics will help to nourish the good gut bacteria. This leaky gut syndrome diet includes: 

  • Yogurt or Kefir 
  • Fruits and vegetables (i.e., berries, oranges, broccoli, cabbage, carrots) 
  • Nuts and seeds (i.e., almonds, peanuts, cashews, pine nuts)
  • Fermented foods (i.e., kimchi, sauerkraut, miso) 
  • Whole grains (i.e., oats, corn, quinoa) 

Reducing the amount of alcohol and processed foods in your diet helps to reduce the inflammation caused by leaky gut. These foods are often high in added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

It is also important to avoid foods you are allergic or sensitive to, as these foods will cause inflammation and make your leaky gut symptoms worse. 

Best Supplements

Oftentimes, the first step to healing the gut is to support the adrenal glands, which help to regulate metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and stress response – among many other essential functions in the body. 

Along with a leaky gut, you may also be suffering from adrenal dysfunction. The body’s stress response in reaction to the unwanted substances in the blood stream triggers the adrenal glands to produce excess cortisol. Eventually the adrenal glands will not be able to keep up with the demands of the body. When this occurs, adrenal fatigue will set in. This can create a slew of symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and fogginess. 

My 28- day Adrenal Support Cleanse program is designed to jumpstart your path to healing your adrenal system. The Adrenal Support Cleanse is low in sugar and high in healthy fat and protein. It also has various nutrients targeted at nourishing and supporting the adrenal system. 

Some people need more support than just diet to reboot their adrenal function. When you work with me and get tested using the Adrenocortex Stress Profile lab test, we are able to get the full picture of the state of your adrenal system and what you need to begin your healing journey. 

Lifestyle Changes to Fix a Leaky Gut

Your gut is connected to every aspect of your body. An important connection is between the gut and the brain through afferent fibers called the vagus nerve. 

The vagus nerve pathway transfers information from the gut to the brain. This helps to convey important information regarding inflammation, regulation of food intake, satiety, and energy homeostasis. 

Lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, practicing relaxation techniques, and managing stress are extremely important to the body’s healing process. Reducing stress can improve conditions in the gut and alleviate stress put onto the brain. 

Making small changes can help to support your body in it’s healing process as much as possible. 

The Bottom Line

In order to properly treat your leaky gut symptoms, it is so important to work with a functional medicine dietitian. Each and every one of us is unique, so your treatment plan should also be unique. Working with me can help determine the root cause of your symptoms so we can figure out what path of treatment is best for you

Remember, the only way to know exactly how to heal a leaky gut and determine what your gut needs is through the information gathered from labs and stool analysis. From there, we work together to create a plan using meal plans and supplements that are tailored to your individual needs. 

If you’re suffering from digestive distress or other leaky gut symptoms, schedule a free call with me to learn how to fix a leaky gut today! Want more individualized results without picking up the phone, try the Digestive Health Appraisal Form to get started!


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mnfr.201900677
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/leaky-gut-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean-for-you-2017092212451
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O1x7RYlnMkQyB8Te4Hkv5g57ws_kUFVW/view?usp=sharing

Changing to a Healthy Lifestyle, Made Simple (Part Two)

Maybe you’ve already successfully managed to change your diet and stick with your dietitian-recommended supplements specific to your needs. (Read this blog to read my tips on diet and supplements). Diet and supplements aren’t the only components of good health when you are changing to a healthy lifestyle. We also need to dig deeper and assess how you are doing when it comes to hydration, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness. 

Changing to a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming because it often involves massive changes to your habits. I’m here to help make this transition easier because I think that changing to a healthy lifestyle should be simple. And it CAN be simple. That’s why I’m sharing my best tips when it comes to changing to a healthy lifestyle. 

I believe that everyone deserves to feel their very best, and we all know that feeling dehydrated doesn’t feel so hot. So let’s start with some hydration tips.

Tips on how to stay hydrated

We have all heard the innumerous ways that drinking water can improve your overall well-being. When expressing concern about a symptom, one of the first questions often asked is “have you been drinking enough water?” 

While water may not be the sole solution to your problem, drinking it consistently can improve some symptoms as well as help point your practitioner towards the source of your ailments. Trying to drink water every day can be difficult especially if you are not already in the habit of drinking it. It can feel repetitive and like a drag to constantly force yourself to stop for a drink. Oftentimes you may even forget to drink water and find yourself at the end of your day realizing you have only had a few cups. 

woman drinking from a water bottle while outside in nature surrounded by brush and trees

Drinking water can be made much more appealing with these super easy and inspiring tricks: 

Drink a glass of water before every meal

Sometimes your day can be a little hectic, and drinking enough water is the last thing on your mind. Setting a goal to drink a glass of water with every meal or snack can help you track how much water you have had more easily. 

A lot of times your body is thirsty, but this can also register as hunger. Drinking water before your meal can help you realize that you may have been thirsty rather than hungry, which can help with your diet regiment as well. 

If those aren’t reasons enough, drinking a glass of water before a meal can aid with digestion while drinking a glass of water after can help absorb nutrients better. This is one of my favorite tips on how to stay hydrated… This hack helps reach two goals at once, an even better reason to incorporate it into your daily routine!

Drink a glass of water with each medication or supplement 

Most people need a swig of something to drink to wash down their pills. Why not turn that sip into a whole glass? Many medications and supplements are taken at different times of the day. This means you would be able to get a good amount of water throughout the day, especially if you have multiple things to take. 

Getting into the habit of drinking an entire glass of water with your supplements may even help you remember to take them because you may find yourself getting thirsty around this time. It’s a win-win. 

Always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go

A lot of times we find ourselves going throughout the day without water, maybe even wishing we had some right about now. Carrying a refillable water bottle when changing to a healthy lifestyle helps to eliminate this problem. 

Putting your water bottle in a place where you can see it often reminds you that water is available, and you’ll find yourself reaching for it throughout the day. Make sure to refill it as soon as possible once you have finished the bottle to have it ready to go the next time you get thirsty. 

You can also purchase a water bottle that has time markings on it to remind you to consistently drink throughout the day. Another option is to purchase a gallon bottle and make sure to finish that each day.

Hydration is also extremely important if you are staying active (as you should be when changing to a healthy lifestyle). Making sure you have water close by whenever you are working out can even help you finish your workout routine because you aren’t at risk of dehydration. Speaking of exercise, let’s discuss some of my top tips 

graphic outlining my tips on how to stay hydrated

How to become more active

We all know that exercise is an essential part of healthy living. However, knowing that exercise is important isn’t always enough to adhere to a new exercise regimen.

Here are my top tips for becoming more active:

Start small  

You aren’t going to become a triathlete overnight, and that is perfectly okay! No one expects you to be. Start off at a level that feels comfortable, and if you begin to experience any sharp pain, stop what you are doing. If you hurt yourself, then it will be even more difficult for you to continue your journey. 

Begin by setting small goals that you know you can reach and follow through with. Gradually build on those small goals as you begin to feel more confident and comfortable with your activity over time. This can help prevent an all-or-nothing mentality that many of us are prone to when it comes to workout plans. Setting reasonable goals and progressing slowly is the most sustainable method to becoming more active.

Other small changes you can make include finding ways to increase your total activity throughout each day:

  • Park at the far end of the parking lot to get more steps in
  • Opt for taking the stairs rather than elevators and escalators
  • Every hour during work, take a stretching break or take a lap around your office
  • Invest in a standing desk to decrease the number of hours you’re seated

Find the right workout for you

woman in silhouette dancing on the beach with a pink and purple sunset

It can feel like there is pressure to go to the gym to exercise and the thought of being surrounded by people in intense training can feel intimidating, especially during the pandemic. To keep exercising, choose an activity that you enjoy, and listen to what makes your body feel good. 

Think outside the usual running, swimming, and biking. You may find an activity that you look forward to, including: 

  • Dancing 
  • Hiking
  • Rock climbing
  • Rollerblading 
  • Martial arts

Schedule exercise into your day

Our days can get really busy, and sometimes the only thing you want to do at the end of the day is crawl into your bed and get comfortable. Like many other things in your life, you have to make time to exercise, rather than leave it as a thing you plan on getting done at some point in a day.

Find a time where you can clear your schedule and focus on your activity. Plan workouts for a time when you have the most energy. Invite other people to make it a social event. Make your activity a part of your day rather than an afterthought. Make it something you can look forward to. 

Some people prefer working out later in the evening, perhaps due to their work schedule or sleep schedule. But did you know that working out too late in the day can make it more difficult to sleep due to increased cortisol? Exercise is important, but you can also put more stress on the body if you aren’t getting enough quality sleep. Finding a balance is key, and that can take some time, so don’t be so hard on yourself if you are early in your journey.  When changing to a healthy lifestyle, we need to account for all of these aspects. 

how to become more active graphic

Sleep is another essential thing to focus on when changing to a healthy lifestyle, so let’s dive in for some tips on optimizing sleep. 

How to optimize sleep

Sleep is also essential for health, but many people don’t prioritize it. Some people believe that operating on just a few hours of sleep each night is perfectly fine, but this can be detrimental over time.

man sleeping soundly in bed with striped bedding and white sheetsHere are my top tips about optimizing your sleep:

Try relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety 

We have all had nights where we are in bed ready to go to sleep, but the day’s events just keep rolling around in our heads. Stress has been shown to make it much harder to sleep, and sleep deeply. Avoid anything that may cause stress before going to bed. This can include avoiding anxiety-provoking activities like watching the news or checking financial reports or stock markets. 

Incorporate stress management and relaxation techniques, such as: 

  • Accepting imperfection 
  • Balancing time between work and rest
  • Maintaining a balanced diet
  • Engaging in physical activities, at least 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week
  • Communicating emotions and concerns 
  • Utilizing body relaxation exercises such as mindful breathing
  • Use blue light blocker glasses, especially after the sun sets
  • Take Epsom salt baths

Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Insomnia and poor sleep often point to an irregular sleep schedule. Having a bedtime routine can be helpful in winding down for a night of restful sleep. Having consistent bedtimes and wake times can help reset your body’s internal clock to be able to sleep. 

About 8 ½ to 9 hours of sleep is the recommended amount daily.  Begin your bedtime routine 30 minutes before getting in bed; a relaxing routine can include light stretching, meditation, and/or taking an Epsom salt bath or hot shower. 

After having an irregular sleep schedule you may find yourself getting tired during the day. Daytime naps can make it really hard to fall asleep later, which will establish a broken pattern of sleep. This can lead to sleep deprivation and insomnia, so try not to nap throughout the day, especially in the late afternoon or evening. If you really need to nap, try and limit it to 45 minutes at most so that you will be able to get deeper, more consistent, and restful sleep at night.

Making sure your environment puts you in a sleepy mood

Using screens should be avoided as much as possible when getting ready to go to sleep. The light from screens signals the brain to be in a more wakeful state and inhibits melatonin secretion, which makes it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. I know many of us are guilty of this, but try not to take your phone into the bed to remove the temptation. 

Also, minimize other distractions by creating a dark and quiet environment right before bed. This can include getting blackout curtains and unplugging anything that may be making too much noise or emitting light. 

If possible, adjust your sleeping area to the right temperature range for you. Cooler temperatures are better, so aim for 65 degrees, plus or minus. Consider investing in a good mattress, pillows, and bedding that can support you the best. The goal is to make you as comfortable as possible as you fall asleep.

Strategies to use while falling asleep or staying asleep 

If you have tried everything above and you still can’t fall asleep or find yourself waking up during the night, here are some other strategies you can use. 

  • If you find yourself lying awake in bed for more than 20-30 minutes, leave your bedroom and read. You can also try another relaxation technique. 
  • If you have woken up because of light, try and cover your eyes with something dark. 
  • If you woke up because of recurring thoughts, try writing them down to help work out the problem. Being mindful of why you can’t sleep is the key to figuring out how to fix it. 

graphic with my tips on how to optimize your sleep

Speaking of mindfulness, that is our last lifestyle change that is essential for better health, so let’s dig in. 

Check in with yourself and reassess: Practicing Mindfulness

Checking in with yourself is extremely important while embarking on your journey. Think about the ways your new habits have made you feel, and talk to your physician about any adjustments you think you may need. 

Remember to always listen to your body. Make sure to stop every once in a while to think about the progress you have made and congratulate yourself for all that you accomplished. Even if the change seems small, be proud of yourself for committing to it, because it just brings you one step closer to the end goal you are working towards – taking the best care of your body that you can!

Practicing mindfulness can serve as a great tool to help assess how you are doing in your goal as well as help keep you motivated to reach it. Take a moment each day to consider how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. This can help you to identify patterns and call attention to your needs. 

cup of tea and napkin that says mind full or mindful with a pen on a blue and brown wood background

Here are some questions to ask before, during, and after completing your desired activity:  

  • What are you doing? 
  • What are you thinking? 
  • How are you feeling emotionally?
  • How are you feeling physically? 
  • Where are you? 
  • What time is it? 
  • Who is with you? 

If you feel as though you are not seeing results, don’t feel discouraged. Building habits takes time, and seeing results takes consistency. Track and celebrate your progress, even the ones that seem really small. 

Congratulate yourself for completing a goal on a day where it seemed really hard, and congratulate yourself on the easy ones too. Reward yourself with small incentives each time you reach a milestone because you deserve it!  

Some days you may get thrown off and find that you did not reach your goal for that day, and that’s okay too. Life happens. Recognize what set you back and adopt a plan for the next time to avoid that situation. 

Go back and remind yourself of the reasons why you started making these changes in the first place. Then you can start the next morning fresh and even more committed to changing to a healthy lifestyle.


I hope that you’ve found these tips helpful and feel ready to tackle changing to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes we may need a little bit more support when making changes to our lives. 

For more and personalized guided assistance, I can help! Schedule your free Nutrition Strategy Call with me today.


Simplifying Lifestyle Changes for Better Health (Part One)

Sticking to a new lifestyle change regimen can feel daunting. We have all been there… It can be frustrating. You want to make these new changes, but it can be difficult to get motivated and to make it part of your daily routine. Sometimes life can get so busy that it feels like a new routine is the last thing on your mind. This article will explain some easy ways to make some lifestyle changes for better health.

I want to share some useful tips to help you stick to your lifestyle changes for better health on several levels. These tips include simplifying how to stick to a diet, taking supplements, drinking more water, exercise, and setting a bedtime routine. Starting small can make a big difference, and I am excited to be a part of this journey with you. 

How to stick with a diet

man writing in food journal with healthy foods on the table in front of himSo, let’s assume that you already have a meal plan and feel that you’re on the road to a completely new lifestyle and better health. (If you aren’t sure where to begin diet-wise, I can help you with your nutrition! Check out what you need to know about becoming a client here.) But we all know sticking to a new diet plan can definitely be easier said than done. For most people, one of the most difficult lifestyle changes for better health is learning how to stick with a diet. 

Here are some easy tricks to help you stay motivated and be prepared to stick with a diet: 

Not only knowing your goal but understanding the motivation behind it is key

One thing to note – when I say “diet” I am referring to your general way of eating, not “going on a diet.” There can be many different kinds of motivations for changing your eating habits.

Reminding yourself why you are making a change in your diet can help you stay on course. Whether the reason is to lose weight, have more energy, reduce your gastrointestinal symptoms, or improve your mood. The reasons are your motivation.

Making a detailed list of all the reasons why you are starting this new diet can help you stay on track when you are tempted to stray from it. Later, when you are reaching your goals, you will be able to look back and see what you have accomplished so far. Seeing your progress can serve as further motivation to continue these new habits. 

Practice mindful eating 

We are all guilty of taking a meal to our desks and eating while working. Do you find yourself feeling dissatisfied after this? Our attention is pulled away from our food and the fact that we are eating, which can leave us feeling hungry. Mindfulness is one of my favorite lifestyle changes to promote better gut health and it promotes better mental health and wellbeing as well. So, how do you practice mindful eating?

Practice mindful eating by making time to focus on your meal. Focus on the way it tastes, how it smells, and the way it feels as you eat. Engage with it by taking in its appearance and taking your time eating it. This will leave you feeling more satisfied after a meal and can help you stick with new lifestyle changes for better health.

Be prepared: pack food or eat before you go

Being on the go can make your prescribed diet difficult to stick to, especially if you are hungry and in a rush. We often find ourselves in this situation more than we would like. To avoid this, try packing a meal to-go, or eat before you leave.

Sometimes you may find yourself hungry and without a meal ready. Try to research the menus of restaurants in advance to figure out what you can eat to allow you to follow your protocol. This can be done by simply googling “healthy restaurants near me” and then reviewing the menu to find an option that suits your needs.

It is also really important not to undereat or starve yourself. Withholding food when you are hungry makes you much more likely to binge out later, and is also not good for your body. Undereating can also drop your blood sugar, leaving you out of balance. This can cause you to crave more refined carbohydrates, which can spike your blood sugar. This blood sugar rollercoaster can drastically impact your mood and how you feel throughout the day. Food is fuel and we need to refuel regularly. 

Have tasty substitutes for your favorite snacks ready

We all have our weaknesses for certain junk foods, and the temptation to indulge ourselves can be strong when we are feeling hungry. Having a healthier alternative ready to go can really help to keep yourself on track to success with making lifestyle changes for better health. 

Be sure to stock up on your favorite healthy snacks when you go to the grocery store each visit. Then when you get home, pack up individual portions into ziplock bags or Tupperware containers. Preparing your snacks in ziplock bags ready for you to grab and go will make them more accessible to you throughout the day. This way, you already have something in your belly before you can even think about running to the vending machine. 

Graphic describing my top 4 tips for sticking to a new diet planStaying organized with supplements 

If you’re one of my clients, you have probably received a wellness supplement plan that will support your health as you make these lifestyle changes for better health. But now that you have been prescribed supplements, what’s next? 

Adding a handful of supplements to your daily routine may feel like another large change in your life, and it can feel difficult to keep up with it all. Especially if you have multiple supplements to take or have to take them at different times of the day. Their different times and dosages can feel like a lot, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

man holding a handful of supplements and a scoop of powder with a shaker bottle and a black backgroundHere are some great ways to stick to your recommended supplement protocol:

Place supplements in sight during mealtimes 

The first step to taking your supplements is remembering to take your supplements. We’ve all heard the saying “out of sight out of mind.” Using this philosophy, store your supplements in a place where you can see them during mealtimes. This will help keep them at the forefront of your mind to help to make sure you are taking your supplements regularly and on time. You may also want to print out your supplement schedule provided by your practitioner and keep it in sight on the fridge as a reminder.

Get a supplement organizer

It can feel overwhelming to remember which supplements to take and when to take it at any given moment. It can also be tedious to read each individual package or double check your wellness plan protocol to find out these details each time you need to take your supplements.

Print out your supplement schedule provided by your practitioner and use this as a cheat sheet to refill your organizers. You can also use a sharpie to write on the caps of the bottles to remind you of your dosage and timing. For example, you can write “2×3” if you are taking 2 capsules, 3 times a day.

Purchasing a supplement organizer (we recommend this one, it is only $13.99!) helps take the pressure off by keeping you organized. It saves a lot of time, and if you find yourself on the go, these organizers can be taken with you easily. 

Use alarms to remind you to take your supplements

A really helpful tool for sticking to your protocol is your phone! Let’s be honest, our phones go with us almost everywhere, and you may find yourself on it more often than you would like. You may even be reading this blog on your phone right now. I’m sure you never thought this would happen but guess what, I am recommending you use your phone even more! 

Sometimes we become busy and may forget to take our supplements. Scheduling reminders on your phone or computer can help to make sure that you are sticking to your prescribed treatment. You can even set several alarms if you need to.

Re-order your supplements early 

One of the worst things that can happen is that you have been successfully following your supplement protocol, and you go to take your next dose but- oh no! You ran out! This can feel like you have been derailed from your progress, and now you have to go without your supplements until they arrive. 

The best thing to do is to combine the above tips by purchasing 4 supplement organizers and arrange an entire one-month supply at once. Set a reminder to reorder your supplements from my online dispensary Fullscript at the end of week 3 or the beginning of week 4. Order next month’s supply and refill your pill organizers only once a month.


graphic describing my top 4 tips for staying organized with your supplements

Diet and supplements are only two parts of the equation when it comes to making lifestyle changes for better health. Stay tuned for the next blog post that will outline the other essential lifestyle changes for better health, staying hydrated, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness.

Do you need more personalized support when it comes to making lifestyle changes for better health? You don’t have to go through it alone. Schedule your free Nutrition Strategy call with me today to get started on your journey to improving your health through diet and lifestyle changes!


What is MRT Testing and the LEAP Therapy Immunocalm Diet

Since you’re reading this, you may be dealing with uncomfortable post-meal symptoms and are trying to find out the cause. This article will walk you through our favorite method to test for food sensitivities: MRT food sensitivity testing.

With so many foods and chemicals available today, chances are you have experienced unpleasant symptoms after a meal but can’t pinpoint the exact cause. While these symptoms are not typically life-threatening, they can disrupt your life with uncomfortable symptoms. This is because the body’s immune reaction generates feelings of fatigue, bloating, gas, stomach pain, brain fog, and more.

While one common recommendation for food sensitivities is doing an elimination diet and keeping a food journal; this approach can often be tedious and not reliable. Think about it… If your food sensitivity is due to a chemical used in a particular food, there is no way you can detect that specific chemical from an elimination diet alone. This is why I want to introduce to you the Mediator Release Test (MRT). This article will explain to you why this combo of MRT coupled with the LEAP protocol (Lifestyle Eating And Performance) is highly effective at detecting personalized food sensitivities. 

Inflammation and Food Sensitivities

wooden block letters spelling out the words "food sensitivity" on a light colored wood backgroundIn the broad sense, food sensitivity refers to the body’s adverse reaction to specific food or chemical antigens (also known as a toxin or foreign substances) causing negative physiological effects within the body. The term “food sensitivity” specifically refers to a delayed, dose-dependent, adverse reaction to food.

In simpler terms, your uncomfortable symptoms occur a while after consumption and also depend on how much you eat. This physiological reaction involves the immune system’s white blood cells (WBCs) and functions in the production of inflammatory mediators that ultimately cause the symptoms of food sensitivities. 

Release of Mediators Lead to Food Sensitivities and Inflammation

In short, when we eat foods or chemicals that our bodies are sensitive to, our WBCs will be triggered to release various mediators such as histamine, cytokines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and up to 97 others into the bloodstream. As a result, the mediators that are released into the bloodstream usually cause subtle, unpleasant, or disruptive symptoms throughout the body. 

To put this concept into perspective, a common food sensitivity is gluten. Gluten sensitivity often causes abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and brain fog after consuming moderate amounts. What’s most important to recognize from this example is that the mediators that are released are not localized to a single organ. But rather, they circulate throughout the body causing a multitude of symptoms. 

With that said, you may have experienced a similar situation, which can be very frustrating when trying to figure out exactly what is causing your symptoms. Luckily, a test known as the mediator release test (MRT) can be very helpful with determining not only if your symptoms are food-related, but also identifying specifically which foods or chemicals are the root cause. 

Why Test MRT?

Now that we know what mediators are, how they are released, and what functions they have on our body, it makes sense that the most accurate food sensitivity test would focus on mediators. The test that we use to test food sensitivities is called the mediator release test (MRT). This test involves drawing blood (at a facility or with a mobile phlebotomist) and then having that blood sample shipped overnight to a lab. Once in the lab, it will be divided and mixed with high-quality freeze-dried food/chemical antigens that are tested on the MRT panel. 

The next step of the MRT food sensitivity test is to analyze the mixed-blood samples by using the technology of flow cytometry and impedance technology to measure the liquid-to-solid ratio. What this means is that when a WBC reacts to a certain food antigen found within the mixture, there will be an increased amount of mediators released from the WBC which ultimately causes the WBC to shrink in size. While this food antigen response is a normal physiological process that constantly happens within the body, when a food sensitivity is detected, the WBC mediator’s response actually reacts in the form of a threat and is elevated to much higher levels than normal. 

How Does MRT Food Sensitivity Testing Work?

The good news is these mediator response levels are exactly what MRT food sensitivity testing assesses. The test will quantify the level of food and chemical reactivity in the form of a standard deviation bell curve for your functional medicine practitioner or certified LEAP therapist to better analyze. The goal is to choose the lowest inflammatory foods while providing a balanced diet with a variety of foods.  How it works is the standard deviation graph values represent a bell curve ranging from 0.0 to 2.0. Within those values, any food item with a reactive value of 0.0 will have a negligible bar graph, 0.5 is ¼ of the way up the “green” bar graph, 1.0 is halfway across, 1.5 is ¾ of the way across, and 2.0 is the highest level of the bar graph. 

standard deviation graph of initial clinical symptom threshold of MRT testing

While manifestations of symptoms are most commonly seen after the 2.0 threshold, individual variations occur. For example, some people may have symptoms from foods slightly below 2.0. Others might not notice symptoms until the reactions are in the “yellow” range. In other words, food choices should ideally consist of items that have a reactive value of 1.0 or below. However everyone’s body is unique, and as mentioned before, food sensitivities are both dose- and frequency-dependent. 

Therefore, with the help of your functional medicine dietitian and certified LEAP therapist, you will better understand your personal threshold with the results from the standard deviation graph and use it in your lifestyle, eating, and performance (LEAP) protocol. With the LEAP protocol, you will work to formulate a customized diet plan to meet your individual needs while avoiding foods or chemicals that are triggering.  

MRT Food Sensitivity Testing Reliability

Why did I say the MRT blood test is the most accurate? Well, compared to other food sensitivity tests that are outdated or focus on only one sensitivity metric like IgG antibodies, the MRT is highly reliable due to its capacity to measure the exact cause of food sensitivities in the form of all mediators and antibodies released.

In addition, the MRT blood test is very accurate with a sensitivity rating reaching 95% and a specificity of 92%. (1) Likewise, MRT has proven to have a reproducibility constant of 90% of the time. In other words, out of every 10 people being tested, 9 of them will consistently obtain the same lab results. This helps eliminate false-positive discrepancies. 

Why do I Have So Many Food Sensitivities?

One thing to know about adverse food reactions is about 50 to 90% are actually due to sensitivities or intolerances. (1) In fact, one major cause of food sensitivities is actually occurring because of poor gut barrier function aka “leaky gut”. Leaky gut occurs due to irritants such as food antigens (gluten for example) causing an inflammatory response on the gastrointestinal lining leading to mucosal tissue damage.

intestinal barrier and microvilli of the gut get damaged with food sensitivities

What this means is through the inflammatory response these food antigens destroy our intestinal villus which is the absorption site of our nutrients. It also means this inflammatory response is downregulating the gut’s first physical barrier of defense against pathogens, parasites, bacteria, and yeast known as the secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA).  Lastly, it means the inflammatory response is causing an erosion of the gut barrier’s tight junctions allowing for large undigested molecules in our bloodstream. (2) If you find you have many food sensitivities, the best place to start is healing the gut lining with a gut cleans diet by working with a functional medicine dietitian who is LEAP certified. 

Why do Food Sensitivities Matter? 

Without our villi properly absorbing nutrients and without SIgA protecting us from these pathogens, the gut’s permeability through tight junctions allows for undigested food and other toxins into our bloodstream which further perpetuates the inflammatory response. Remember what happens when we have an inflammatory response? White blood cells come to the scene and ultimately release our not-so-friendly friends, the mediators. 

As mentioned before, the mediator response is not localized to a single organ and ultimately leads to uncomfortable symptoms and various disease states. Likewise, because the villi are not properly absorbing our nutrients we can also become malnourished, contributing to additional signs and symptoms. 

The good news is this can be prevented with an MRT by identifying any food sensitivities and eliminating them through the diet. Next, you can begin repairing the leaky gut with the help of a functional medicine practitioner or certified LEAP therapist by incorporating any supplementation into your LEAP protocol if necessary. 

So, if you believe food may be contributing to your symptoms and you are having trouble pinpointing the root cause, a food sensitivity test might be beneficial for you. If you are wondering how some of these food sensitivities manifest, the following symptoms and conditions are a good indicator you may be dealing with food sensitivity and MRT food sensitivity testing might be right for you. 

Food sensitivity symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue, achy joints
  • Brain fog, headaches, mood swings 
  • Sinus or ear congestion, runny nose
  • Nausea, unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence 
  • Diarrhea, constipation 
  • Rashes or itchy skin
  • Water retention

List of food sensitivity symptoms includes: fatigue, achy joints, brain fog, headache, mood swings, congestion, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, rashes, itchy skin, water retention, weight loss or gain

Food sensitivity-related conditions can include:

  • Celiac disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • GERD
  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Leaky Gut
  • IBS
  • Rhinitis/Sinusitis

List of food sensitivity related conditions including: leaky gut, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, crohns disease, gerd, asthma, migraines, IBS, rhinitis/sinusitis

What is the LEAP Diet Protocol?

The LEAP Protocol stands for Lifestyle, Eating, and Performance protocol. This protocol is prescribed after MRT food sensitivity testing to tackle individualized food sensitivities.

LEAP stands for lifestyle, eating, and performance diet protocol. The LEAP protocol as briefly talked about is based on the information provided by your MRT food sensitivity testing results, and is used as the new foundation to health and recovery. Unlike a typical elimination diet and food journal; the LEAP protocol entails a multiphase approach (usually 3 phases total) with an initial immuno-calm phase to drastically reduce inflammation. This is then followed by the incorporation of safe foods while temporarily eliminating sensitive foods.

Therefore, with the help of a functional medicine dietitian who is certified as a LEAP therapist, the LEAP protocol is used to selectively expand on acceptable food options to ultimately develop a flexible and nutrient-dense food plan that is free from adverse food reactions. Depending on your case, you may also be given lifestyle strategies to minimize symptoms, repair your digestion, and restore your gut health.

What’s Next?

If you’re tired of not feeling your ultimate best, and feel like any of the symptoms or conditions I provided relate to you, then it’s time to let the science talk. With MRT food sensitivity testing, not only will you obtain personalized results, but with the help of a functional medicine dietitian and certified LEAP therapist, you can begin enjoying food again without the fear of adverse food reactions. 


LEAP Immunocalm diet package and mediator release test cost? 

Take the LEAP symptom assessment to determine if LEAP is something that could work for you!  If you find that you are scoring high, you may need to Schedule your appointment today to speak with a LEAP dietitian and begin your journey to wellness!  



  1. https://www.functionalnutritionanswers.com/what-is-the-best-food-sensitivity-test/
  2. https://todayspractitioner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/For-the-Assessment-of-Intestinal-Permeability-Size-Matters-191_ATM_p12_24Vojdani1.pdf